Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I believe in miracles, you sexy thang! 5/29/2013

I'm gonna be honest. This week has been one of the greatest and hardest weeks of probably my entire life. I've never worked harder; I've never felt such joy; I've never felt such disappointment and I've never felt my Savior so near to me.

I have been on two exchanges with other sisters in the past week; both of which were in my area. As an S.T.L. we are to have the “model area.” Talk about pressure! I’m still figuring this whole missionary thing out! I have never worked/prayed so hard. Not that numbers matter but just to get an idea about my past week…we had 49 total lesson taught, 24 of them taught with a member. Freak! I’m exhausted just typing that!


I can say with my whole heart that God knows us perfectly and it is through His perfect knowledge of us, He places specific people in our lives and very specific times. There is so much I want to share with you about this past week! I'll do my best to sum it up but if you take anything away from this email, know that I know that God knows you and me, perfectly.
Miracle on Legend Hollow
Legend Hollow is a blessed sub-division where God's angels are working their wings off (ha!) but fo realz! The neighborhood is flooding with hot hot hot potentials, 4 of our recent converts and members! On Monday after P-day was over we felt like we needed to change our plans and go down to Legend Hollow. Sure enough, our dear friend needed us at that very moment. To spare some unneeded details, she was a wreck. God loves her and knew He needed to send us her way. We treated her family with McDonald's and how quickly the children devoured those Big Macs was another testament of why we needed to be there that night. We found 2 new investigators on that street that night and we were able to get a priesthood holder to come give her a blessing. God knows us!
Miracle at Bible study
We knocked into this fantastic couple one day and after preaching the good word and captivating their interest, they asked us to come back and join their weekly bible study because we "had great knowledge and wisdom to contribute." Surely!! And what did they say they studying so we could prepare? The book of JAMES! Haaaaa...coincidence? I think not! It just so happens that the entire restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ originated when young Joseph Smith read from a verse in the book of James that reads, "If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God."
We came to bible study beaming with the Spirit! What an honor and blessing it was to be given this opportunity! I volunteered to say the opening prayer and after I said "amen," there was silence for a good 7 seconds and a member of the group broke it by saying, "what a beautiful prayer".  Insta-respect. I thanked Heaven for allowing us to build a relationship of trust with the group from the get go! We engaged in fantastic conversation and we established firm common ground. They were shocked how well we were versed in the bible. Why is it such a shocker that us crazy Mormons know the bible?...maybe because the pastors preach anti-Mormon crap on the reg. We were stoked we could change their twisted beliefs on us Mormons.
After building strong common ground, we were then able to share what makes us different from all other Christian denominations. We love and respect all other religions!  We all believe in the same Father and the same Savior whether you're  a Baptist, Methodist, or whatever! But our unique message to the world is that there is a Prophet on the earth today and the fullness of Jesus Christ's gospel has been restored in these latter days. We went on to explain that the Book of Mormon is another testament of the divinity of our Savior. That it is a record of God's dealing with the people of ancient American. Christ isn't just the Savior of Israel! In Ezekiel 37, we read the prophesy that the stick of Judah (the Bible) and the stick of Joseph (the Book of Mormon) will run together and we "one in thine hand." As I held my scriptures and declared that that prophesy has been fulfilled, there was astonishment in that bible study. One member of the group actually asked us if she could come out with us. Non-member team up? Alright!  God knows us.
Miracle on Bullard
We were driving down the road and we passed this house and I heard this voice saying stop at that house. I kept driving and I felt it again. Something I know to be true is that you never ever ever ignore a prompting. We turned around and knocked on this house.
Chester, an old man with overalls approached in the front yard and immediately welcomed us in and said, "go around the back to the porch and I’ll be there soon." What the? Did this man know us? Who are we going to meet out back on the porch? We had zero idea, but we were following the spirit so it couldn't lead us astray. We met his wife and daughter and instantaneously connected. They were just about to leave and we caught them at the perfect time. We told them our purpose as missionaries and they were delighted! They asked us for our number and when we could come back. Something that is very common around here is prayer talking. So during a prayer they say things like "yes, Lord!" "Halleluiah" "Praise God! and so forth. As I prayed, all three of them were prayer talking like I've never heard! It's kinda awesome actually! We are excited to meet with them again next week.
Miracle at a fireside
Our stake tried something really cool this past Sunday. Our dear mission president and his glorious wife coupled up with our stake president and his beautiful wife for a fireside (devotional type deal). It was filmed and broadcast to all the other bishops homes where the missionaries and their investigators were tuning in. The Lost Mountain Ward (my ward) was the chosen ward to be the “live” guests. We had a huge responsibility to get people to come! I was stressin! It’s one thing to get people to come to church! After hustling our booties off, we got 5 of our investigators to come! It was the most spiritual devotional I had ever been apart of. One of our investigators committed to baptism that night and another committed the next day. Sweet President Harding (our mighty mission president) talked with them one on one and gave them the most powerful and inspired advice. I know that President Harding is a man called of God to lead us in the missionary efforts in Georgia. You shake his hand and you just know. I love his wife. She’s perfect. You look at her and you think nope, not real. And then she opens her mouth and bears her tender testimony and then you’re going nope, NOT REAL. Oh the Harding’s. Oh and they have a 10 year old with them and he is my buddy! He is my replacement Sammy for the time being. Sammy, you and Stockton are gonna be BFFs one day.
I only want to focus on the good because the good outweighs the bad by like a bazillion! Sure, times get stressful and overwhelming and I’m thinking “I don’t get a break for how many more months?!?!?” Then I think how I started the sentence…”I”. This isn’t about me. This isn’t my work. I am not doing this to evaluate myself. I’m here to evaluate our Savior and I am on His holy time. I give my all every day. And if for a moment I feel like I’m not, I feel like straight shizzz. Pardon my language. Ha! Okay, I just promise you- be good, do good, and you will feel good.
All my love,
Sister Miyahara
p.s. I got to go to the temple this morning and it was literally celestial. The temple is my #1 - make it yours too!

The Carnells had the Pestana's over for a Memorial Day BBQ. These South Africans had never had American BBQ before so you know that Brother Carnell showed them how it is done. My stomach is still full (*defeated sigh*)

Exchanges with Sister Wright from Pasadena, CA

Thursdays volunteering at the family history center is PRIME journaling time.  Yes, yes I do get very excited for journaling time!  ]

Gail's birthday dinner!  so much love right here going on!

ORBZ!!!  We took this one picture and got outta there STAT!  I was freaking out! YIKES

My STL buddy  Happy Memorial Day!

This is brother Carnell.  We live in his basement and we love him! 'merica!!!

I love my cute trainee lady! 

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